Tuesday, March 17, 2015

FRIDAY !!!!!!!
Dylan is our champ at Connect 4... any one dare to challenge him?!

Oasis has even been working on her Recycled Art project on Fun Friday.
 The hard work has paid off - its looking great! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring is on it's way!
The beautiful garden the kids created this summer is starting to bloom - even though there is a pile of snow sitting on it!  Check out the flower that are growing near the window.  Hopefully we'll be out there soon pulling weeds and enjoying the picnic benches.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Rocking it after school

With the start of the 3rd week I wanted to post some pictures of the cool things the kids have been up to!


Eco Art and their fabulous creations!

Robotics Club getting ready for the Robotics Block Party Competition 
they will be participating in next month!

Here's a link to the website to find out more about it - Robotics Block Party

Getting some exercise even though its been a snowy mess!

                  Gym time fun!

Monday, March 2, 2015

The new session has begun!

We have a lot to look for this session! Education in action is starting a new music program, Apeiron is here teaching all about how to be eco friendly, the Robotics will be heading to the Robotics Tournament in April, and we';; be having fun in the Gym like always! 

Now everyone cross their fingers that there aren't anymore snow days!