Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Vacation

I want to wish everyone a happy and safe vacation! Thank you all for a GREAT second session and I can't wait for the new year and all the cool stuff we will be doing :) 

Monday, December 8, 2014

We want your feed back!

OK kids - we want to know which program's you'd like for next session! Help us make your program perfect for you by responding to this quick survey!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The students are working hard with Mr. Hebert to complete ROBO Challenges!  Some of the challenges are racing drag, balloon bust, and sumo robots! 

Knitting Club

Knitting club is hard at work making scarfs to donate!

Monday, November 17, 2014


What we are thankful for!

We asked the kids to tell us why they are thank for the after school program. 
Here are some of their answers!

I am thankful for the Y after school program because....
"it is fun and I get to see my friends and I get to see all the wonderful counselors everyday.  When I wake up in the morning I always say to myself that I can make it till the end of the day.  I always look up to coming here everyday and I also love that I can get away from my brother :)  
P.S. You guys are like my second family thx for being there for me."
"they teach me right from wrong.  Joelle helps me threw some of my problems.  
Chris always cheers me up when I'm angry or sad."
"I get to do things I enjoy that I can't do in class like, glee club, biomes, and guitar."
"they support me when I'm feeling down (#Joelle)
"I can have fun, get help on my homework, and learn new things all at once."
"they are giving me pleasure and careful free time and they can fix my hunger and 
they help me with my homework"
"it has helped me with my homework. ps Thank you"

I don't think we can say it any better than they can... We are also thankful for all of the kids and what wonderful things they bring to the after school program; such as a smile, a good grade, a goofy story, a beautiful art project, a pat on the back for a friend, lots of energy, and so much more!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The fantasy football crew has there draft - wonder who's going to win!!

Beautiful art work!

My friend Jacob has been working very hard on this beautiful piece of art work! 

Friday, October 31, 2014


The students invited friends and family to come see what they have been doing after school!  We had performances from Glee Club and displays from Biomes, Watching Books, Drawing, Eco-Art, Robotics, and others!

So much has gone on since our last post!  Things have been VERY busy here after school :) 

We've dissected squids with Biomes

Creating art WITH and IN nature!

Thank you Apeiron!
Visit Apeirons website to see what they are all about!


The kids have also been keeping up with their homework, going outside to play and making a mess!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


The kids made some playdough and then created volcanos to see what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda... What they found out was a mess! :) here are some pictures from that fun! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lego fun

I bet you never realized some of the things that could be made with Legos... Well to start, check out what my friend Andrew made this afternoon! He looks and builds Legos in a way that most people wouldn't even think of... Below are a few of his creations  - check back tomorrow to see what else we've made with Legos!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Minute to win it!

Like the title says you have a minute to win it! Today one of the challenges was to stack 3 golf balls on top of each other.... Try it, it's not all that easy :) 

we had lots if laughs and we may not have all succeeded but we all had fun! 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fun outside!

Today the weather was nice enough to get outside!  After the kids were done with their homework some of them adventured out to play capture the flag with Chris.  While we were having all that fun we didn't realize there were some new lines on the field... Luckily we didn't make to much of a mess and just ended up with some extra color on us! 

Thanks to Sodexo the after school program is able to serve a full meal to all the students who participate.  Above is the menu for October!

This Week After School!

This past week the students have been having a blast after school.  Biomes was here bringing all sorts of different creatures, some of our students made a presentation to the YMCA board members about the B.L.A.S.T. summer program, and our build a business group adventure to the Animal shelter to meet with them about how to help!

This week we have lot of fun things going on!  Our Glee club will be focusing on practicing the melody of Jason Mraz songs, Robotics is building their flexbots, and the Eureka class will be trying to make a rock candy again...... Sometimes things don't always work right the first time! :)

Check back later this week to see pictures of what we're doing!